About TPEA

Taiwan Private Equity Association

Taiwan Private Equity Association (TPEA, hereinafter referred to as the Association) was established on January 13 2023 in Taipei City. Its mission is to promote Taiwan’s private equity investment industry, strengthen the private equity investment environment, and promote the unity and the common interests of the industry.

Mission Statement
  1. To compile surveys, statistics, and research on domestic and foreign private equity investment industries.
  2. To strengthen engagement and cooperation with international private equity industries.
  3. To push for members’ self-discipline and joint efforts in addressing matters concerning best practices, business engagements and coordination.
  4. To establish committees on subjects of concern and handle matters concerning healthy development of the committees.
  5. To assist in arranging and organizing activities to promote interactions and networking of the international private equity community.
  6. To assist in implementation, research and recommendations of government economic policies and commercial laws.
  7. To strengthen interactions and cooperation with related investment industries.
  8. To enhance public understanding and participation in the private equity investment industry.
  9. To facilitate exchanges of professional knowledge and investment opportunities among private equity investors.
  10. To assist in mediation of disputes among practitioners of the industry.
  11. To develop basic information of members and member representatives, and conduct ad hoc surveys.
  12. To handle matters concerning members or social welfare undertakings.
  13. To handle matters concerning the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of members.
  14. To handle matters concerning undertaking services entrusted by government agencies and groups.
  15. Other matters mandated by laws and regulations.