About the Association and the Chairman

David Weng Chairman


CEO and General Partner of Tech Fund of Taiwania Capital


  • Partner of Innovation Bridge Capital

  • Software Engineering Director of Cisco Systems

  • Software Development Manager of Hewlett-Packard (HP)

  • Chairman of Silicon Valley Taiwan Angels Association

  • Board Director of ITRI International Inc.


MS in Computer Engineering, San José State University of the United States

“Join Us for a Better PE Industry in Taiwan”

Dear TPEA members,

Time flies. On March 30th 2023, two and a half months after the first general meeting, the “Taiwan Private Equity Association”(TPEA) completed the regulatory registration and officially started its operations. First of all, I would like to thank all members, directors and supervisors for their support in electing me as the founding Chairman of the Association. In the past few months, I have heard from our members and partners of their expectations for the Association, from which I feel tremendous responsibilities going forward.

Things are always difficult before they get easy. Over the past three months, we have worked very hard to establish all kinds of operation framework and infrastructure. Among them, the regulatory registration of the Association is the most challenging and critical task. I would like to hereby thank Minister Kung (Ming-Hsin) of the National Development Council (NDC) for agreeing to have NDC as the competent authority supervising the PE industry. With his support, the registration of the Association is completed at the end of March 2023. From this moment, I will take on the responsibility to lead the Association. It is for me an opportunity to serve, and a mission to accomplish.

The TPEA was established to “strengthen Taiwan’s private equity investment environment” and to “direct domestic and foreign capital to Taiwan’s strategical industries”. I hope that the Association can become a platform for interactions among members, a platform for communication with government agencies and other industry associations. It should also be a platform for communication with international private equity associations. By integrating the joint efforts of all, we will surely improve the development of Taiwan’s private equity industry.

The international private equity funds have become more conservative in recent years with the volatility of the financial markets. Nevertheless, the private equity capital is always the driving force of emerging industries in the long run. With the joint efforts of the Association and our members, we hope that we can leverage flexible and diverse investment approaches of the private equity funds, directing ample capital from home and abroad to Taiwan’s strategical sectors, assisting businesses to obtain the funds required for future development, and accelerating the transformation and upgrading of Taiwan industries.

